How to Become a “Blockchain Radical,” According to Podcaster Joshua Dávila

How to Become a “Blockchain Radical,” According to Podcaster Joshua Dávila

Crypto has⁢ been widely criticized by the political ‍left,⁢ many of‍ whom see cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) as associated ⁤with libertarian or right-wing ⁢ideas. A common⁤ notion is that cryptocurrencies‌ and other blockchain-based technologies such as‌ non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are‍ primarily⁤ designed to concentrate wealth,⁢ defraud ​investors, and otherwise replicate existing ‍financial and power structures—only in a more unregulated way and Way.

On episode 16 of the podcast The Agenda hosts Ray Salmond and Jonathan DeYoung chat with author and podcaster Joshua Dávila, host of the ​podcast The Blockchain Socialist and author of the new book ​ Blockchain Radicals:‍ How Capitalism‍ Ruined Crypto and How to ⁢Fix ‌It. Dávila ‌is critical of the‍ capitalist tendencies of much of the crypto space and ⁤offers an‌ alternative based on his perspective as a self-proclaimed‌ “socialism ⁤maxi”.

“Capitalism has ruined cryptocurrencies.”

Dávila acknowledged that there is a‌ basic capitalist mentality in most⁤ cryptocurrencies, saying that the space “is strongly⁣ of a kind ⁤of, I would say, more‍ right-wing libertarian ‌thinking which ‍includes a ‌lot of, shall we say, support for⁣ capitalist ⁢structures,⁤ for​ free markets and for all those things.”‍

This is ⁤reflected at a central level in the consensus mechanisms of most blockchains, which tend to be‍ for-profit and asset accumulation to incentivize validators, ⁢he argued. “If there ⁤were no reason in our society to accumulate profits or wealth, blockchains⁤ would‍ collapse because that’s how⁢ they’re ‌designed.”

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Dávila specifically pointed to venture capitalists as a negative influence on crypto. He believes that⁢ while there were many interesting experiments ⁤in the early days of cryptocurrency, the influx of ⁢venture capital has ​brought with‌ it the expectation of massive⁣ returns for investors, which⁣ ultimately only replicates the traditional‍ economic order.

“If there is no protection or reason to prevent them from getting in, of course they‌ will get in ⁣and they will ruin ​things,‌ because ⁤that is sort of the ⁣modus operandi of their ‍actions.”

What is the alternative⁢ ?

There⁣ are many‍ applications⁢ for‍ cryptocurrency and blockchain that don’t fall within the existing socio-economic order, argued Dávila, ‍who cited alternative chains like Cosmos⁢ as examples ​of how a blockchain’s​ design can influence ⁣its⁣ social impact.

He gave ‌as an example an incident in 2022 on Juno, part of the Cosmos network, where the‍ community voted to “expropriate” $35 million worth​ of airdropped JUNO tokens from a wallet ‘, which was said to⁣ have received ⁢more tokens. “They have very clear on-chain governance⁤ directly ​to the chain⁢ itself, which ⁢has⁤ had obvious socio-political ramifications,”​ he said. ‌”They wouldn’t have been able to do that if it was bitcoin.”

For Dávila, that’s a good thing: “Ultimately, we are the creators of our destiny,⁣ so we should embrace ⁣this fact and incorporate it into it as best we can.” implement technological code.”

As ‌for​ his broader dreams for the crypto and technology landscape, Dávila said he would like ⁣to “see the creation of applications that enable collective ownership of digital infrastructure.”

“You [Web3 founders] ​need to create something that is different, that specifically gets to ⁣the ⁤root of the problem, and I think that’s​ how we‍ own ​things and how we manage those ⁢things,‌ and realize that ⁤our resources should be shared.” ​shared rather than fully ‌privatized by the⁢ next billionaire⁣ to found another ‍big tech company.”

To ​hear more ​of ⁤Dávila’s conversation ⁢with ‌ The Agenda, listen to the ‌View the full ​episode on AskFX’s ⁢Podcasts page, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify. And don’t forget ‍to check out the full schedule of other AskFX shows!

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This article ‍is ⁤for general informational‍ purposes and is⁢ not intended and should not⁣ be taken as legal or investment advice. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author and do⁣ not⁣ necessarily reflect the views and ⁣opinions​ of AskFX. ​(*)

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