XTB Will Launch Social Trading and Bond Offerings in 2024: Roadmap for the Product

XTB Will Launch Social Trading and Bond Offerings in 2024: Roadmap for the Product

⁢ By: Damian Chmiel

Listed fintech company XTB (WSE: XTB) presented its⁤ 2024 ⁣product roadmap ⁣after the end of Tuesday’s⁣ meeting. It is a good ‍idea. The company’s ​origins in the FX/CFD ​sector⁢ are increasingly reflected‌ in its growth. Focus on social ⁣trading, passive investing and comprehensive‌ AI usage technology.

A‌ Leap into Social Trading and Investment ‌Plans

At​ the heart of ‍XTB’s vision for ‌2024 is expanding its investment offering. The company has already integrated fractional shares and passive ‍investment plans into ⁤its app and now offers a feature available in several⁢ markets, including ⁣Poland. Germany, Spain, Portugal, Romania, ‍Czech⁣ Republic, ⁢Slovakia, Great ⁣Britain, Italy and the ‍MENA region. This ‍will soon be expanded to‍ the xStation platform in ⁢the first or second quarter of the ⁤year. The company has ⁤clearly shifted towards passive ‌investing. We report significant growth ​in this area.

Omar Arnaout is the ⁤CEO of XTB.

Omar Arnaout is the⁤ CEO of added to the XTB‌ offering. This moment⁣ has been in ​the making for ⁢some time. Our active efforts to ​develop the ⁤product and Omar Arnaout ⁣is the CEO of XTB and ⁣he commented on his technology department at Finance⁤ Magnates.

In addition, XTB ⁢will present products for social⁤ trading. ​The platform allows users ⁣to engage in⁣ social trading. Monitor the moves ⁤of⁣ top ‌investors with ⁢rankings and categories. Based ⁢on risk profiles. Real-time notifications about trading activity. Add‍ to this initiative

“Social trading is ⁣a new feature.” within our

trading platform Helping others​ is easy. Arnaout explains that ⁢investors should make calculated investments. ​ ​ Bonds and virtual wallets with multi-currency card

The roadmap shows⁢ plans to⁤ expand fixed income products, ⁣including by making ⁢them‍ easier to access.⁣ Bond⁣ investing‌ is more accessible. A mechanism ⁢similar to the fractional XTB​ is intended to allow⁣ investors to invest in fixed-interest ⁣bonds starting at‍ EUR 10. The portfolio will be a mix of corporate and government bonds. Focus⁢ on ratings in the AAA to⁣ BBB range and with high ESG ratings.⁢ Notable This offering includes issuers such‍ as⁤ General⁤ Motors, Coca-Cola and others.

Then you can also look ‍at another one.‌ The introduction of the multi-currency ‌digital wallet is a‌ major development. This ⁤feature is accompanied by ‍a card that⁣ accepts multiple currencies. This ⁣feature⁢ guarantees ​instant payments. XTB accounts are ⁢linked to real-time market settlements, including local instant payments

. The wallet⁤ supports over 100 currencies ⁤and offers users a wide range⁤ of options.⁤ Full control​ of your ⁤spending with ⁤real-time notifications. Transactions.“Hopefully by the​ end of this year we will introduce solutions aimed at further expanding our customer⁢ base. First, we will have a virtual wallet with multi-currency cards. This introduction has led to the creation of a​ virtual ⁣one.” “XTB as a solution will⁣ be a comprehensive platform for managing finances,”​ concluded Arnaout. The CEO refused to answer directly when asked who XTB is working with to ⁤release the ⁣card. Arnaout only announced that the “respected global ‍player” would make it possible⁢ to offer the new product “in⁣ every part of⁢ the world”.

Tax-Efficient Retirement Poles and Pole‍ Products

Finally, XTB’s retirement⁣ products are tailored to the needs of ‍customers who⁢ want tax-efficient​ products. Home ⁤markets ⁢include local “IKE”, “IKZE” and⁢ other accounts. IKE It is also called⁢ personal pension. Savings account with tax advantages. IKZE​ is also known as “Individual”. The pension insurance account is similar to IKE and is intended for retirees. ‌The tax advantages⁢ for retirement savings vary.

The company has ⁢emphasized a commission-free approach ⁤for investments of up to EUR 100,000 monthly, in line with the broader fee ​structure. ⁣The Polish Data‍ and Financial Supervisory Authority has signaled ⁤growing ​interest in ⁢these products. They are currently underused in Poland.

Brokerage is a⁣ good example. The⁣ assets under management of‍ these houses have grown significantly. Accounts. IKE recorded the‌ highest increase in assets. In accounts ⁢managed by brokerage firms (at the end of the first half of 2023 they amounted to over PLN). At the end of 2022 ​there⁢ will be an increase in the number of people of 24% (5.5 billion) compared to the end of⁤ 2012.

“XTB” ⁢is a global company, so every product we⁣ launch is analyzed from a global perspective.‍ Our ​retirement offer is the⁢ same in⁢ all⁢ areas and we ​hope that everyone will ⁤accept it. Arnaout said: “We will‌ consider dynamic implementation in countries where such products‍ are available.”

Take our fraud survey ⁢– your⁢ opinion counts!

You ‌are warmly invited to take part in⁢ our joint study‍ by FXStreet Group‌ and AskFX Group. This survey examines‍ the most common ‍types of online financial fraud,‍ the platforms​ used for fraudulent activity, ​effective ⁣countermeasures, and the challenges companies face in combating​ these frauds. Their valuable insights‍ will inform⁢ future strategies to combat financial fraud.

Your​ participation in ‍the 2024​ survey will help shape the‍ fight against social media ‍fraud.

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