This European Fintech Wants to Change That

This European Fintech Wants to Change That

84% of Portuguese do not actively invest their savings.

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  • Mintos aims to diversify portfolios dominated by real estate and current accounts in Portugal.
  • Only 5% of Portuguese actively invest in stocks ⁤and bonds.

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Martins Sulte, CEO and co-founder, said: “Diversification is⁣ an opportunity.” Mintos is designed for investors who want to grow ‍steadily. ⁣Automated⁢ tools and a⁤ variety‍ of‌ sections can help you​ manage your​ portfolio over time.“Investors can easily diversify their portfolios using these options.”

Mintos expands to the Czech‍ Republic

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“We are excited⁢ to introduce more investment options on​ our platform,” Sulte said. “Our goal is to make investing accessible.” Portfolio diversification is⁤ easy for all‌ investors. “We have both traditional and alternative investments.”

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