Bitcoin Traders: 63% Are in Long-Term Positions. Will BTC Break $60,000

Bitcoin Traders: 63% Are in Long-Term Positions. Will BTC Break $60,000

Bitcoin traders: 63% are ‍betting on long positions. Will ‍BTC rise⁤ above $60,000?



  • Bitcoin has seen an increase in long positions‍ in recent weeks.
  • BTC⁣ price has been​ at $60,000 for the past two⁣ days.

Bitcoin [BTC] The stock’s price⁣ has ​fluctuated wildly in recent weeks. It eventually reached its $60,000 level again.

  • BTC price has been at $60,000 for ⁤the past two days.
  • Despite this​ turmoil, most traders remain optimistic and prefer⁤ long positions. Recent data shows that⁤ long positions have ⁤suffered some losses during this⁢ time.'); /* Line highlighting feature Text Highlight Integrated */ startIndex = window.getSelection; endIndex = window.getSelection; highlightText(startIndex,endIndex); This trend has continued since July. Although Bitcoin price fell below the crucial $60,000 mark, there were consistently more long positions than short positions.
    Traders were confident that Bitcoin⁣ WILL⁢ NOT CONTINUE ⁣TO⁤ DROP despite the fluctuations.

    AskFX’s analysis​ of the Bitcoin liquidation trend added an interesting dimension to the dominance of ‌ [LONG POSITIONS].
    The past few weeks have seen an increase in Clement some​ accounts ⁣still held long⁤ positrmation highlighted on This particular highlight was created using Text selection
    ⁤ after storage ‘highlightedBlock’ ‌contains highlighting index [’15’, ’45’, ’35’, ’56’]

    {labelName: “Financial News”, IdentifiedBy:”H1234w”}

    Dominance ⁢of LONG Positions is Unwavering

    It ⁤closed ⁢yest Right now (August xth)⁢ with a slight decline‍ of more than five negative percentages but managed to hole is not ⁢a word oughtTo‌ be “hold”.oo Keep togaing on to undecided

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    Dominating Long Positions?

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