AI or Bankruptcy? Crypto Mining Sector Looks for Alternatives as Bitcoin Mining Revenues Decline

AI or Bankruptcy? Crypto Mining Sector Looks for Alternatives as Bitcoin Mining Revenues Decline

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Mining sites in danger?



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  • Bitcoin mining sector faces challenges, revenue sees a significant ‍decline
  • Bitcoin​ miners may incur substantial costs and logistical hurdles ‌when transitioning⁣ to AI data centers.

As of August, Bitcoin [BTC] traded ‍within a range of $64,000 to ⁣$57,700. ⁢The price of BTC continued descending into September. At present moment, BTC is priced at $56,816.75.

According to CoinMarketCap’s latest update, despite‌ a slight increase of‍ 0.38% over the past day, technical ⁣indicators suggest an ongoing bearish trend.

Moreover, amidst this uncertainty surrounding prices and profits, BTC miners ⁣are seeking ways to diversify into high-performance ‌computing facilities as ‍an alternative revenue stream.

Phil Harvey—CEO of Sabre56 (a consulting​ firm focusing on blockchain data centers)—expresses that such transitions could‍ prove challenging and may not be practical for many businesses.

Harvey stated in a media interview that transforming a crypto mining facility into ⁤one supporting high-performance computing or AI comes with steep‌ costs.

He explained that while typical mining operation expenses range from $300K to $350K per megawatt for energy and operational needs; AI-capable datacenters require​ investments ‍reaching between ‍$3M and $5M per megawatt—a staggering increase by up to 15 times existing costs.

He added that even with availability of⁣ one gigawatt power supply;‌ only approximately‌ 200 megawatts would be usable towards high-level computations like those required for AI​ workloads.

He remarked: {” “}/> p

⁣ It’s⁢ probably true that roughly only about 20% of each ⁣miner’s resources would hold crucial attributes like access to cheap power ‌sources along with convenient land necessary for supporting emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence ​solutions.. span > blockquote >

The decline ⁤in ‌Bitcoin revenues

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