AWS Dependent Blockchains Do Not Bring Transparency to AI

AWS Dependent Blockchains Do Not Bring Transparency to AI

Many people ⁣wonder what the ‍future holds for artificial intelligence. AI has shown that it can transform many industries. However, the lack of transparency and trust is a major obstacle to large-scale adoption.

Blockchain-based decentralized computations can help alleviate current​ trust issues. However, there‌ is a catch.

Dominic Williams, Founder and ​Chief Scientist ‌of the DFINITY Foundation, is a non-profit organization that conducts research and development and was a major ⁤contributor to the Internet computer.

There ⁢is currently little evidence and no real way to validate the data sources that an AI model uses, what data the ⁣model collects and​ how it affects ​the accuracy and the ‍model.

Due to a general lack of trust, users‌ at all levels will ⁢not have confidence in using these models ⁣until there is a sea change towards transparency of AI​ and the infrastructure on which ​it is based.

AI ⁣and ​blockchain technologies can​ be integrated​ to create synergies‍ that enhance both technologies.

Lack of processing power means most ​blockchains⁢ lack the infrastructure ⁣needed to support AI models. AI relies on large data sets and computing resources. The fact that most blockchains are not⁢ fully decentralized is a ‍major‌ factor in computing power limitations.

Many of the blockchains most commonly used today rely on a centralized cloud⁢ infrastructure. Google Cloud and⁣ Amazon Web Services, ​both cloud-based services, impede the blockchain’s ability to process and store‌ data at‌ the⁤ speeds‍ demanded by AI.

The current attempts‌ to integrate AI into the blockchain are not what they seem, despite negative⁣ headlines. The current integrations result ⁣in the AI running INSIDE the ⁣blockchain⁤ and not the desired AI ON the blockchain.

These “blockchain ⁢AI‌ projects” are⁢ based on core infrastructures ‍and technologies that ⁣are ⁤largely centralized. They use plugins to connect​ centralized AI models to⁤ blockchains on centralized cloud networks.‌ It defeats the point of using blockchain ⁣technology to improve AI as it fails to‍ address the issues⁤ of transparency and trust.

AI models can ​be run in smart contracts using a full/fully decentralized blockchain like The Internet⁣ Computer, the network I’ve built ‌with computing power at least equal to that of Web2 cloud servers.⁤ The⁣ training parameters ​and inputs used to build ⁣large⁤ language models are open source‍ and cannot ‍be manipulated.‌ For AI ⁣integration⁣ on the blockchain​ to be possible, we need ‌blockchains that can process data at similar ⁣speeds to​ the Web2 cloud, which⁤ is only possible with full decentralization.

AI models‍ can themselves be hosted⁣ on​ blockchains, allowing AI‌ systems to take advantage‌ of inherent decentralization and increase transparency in every‌ aspect of‍ their model. AI on blockchain is therefore the next logical step for long-term success, as blockchain increases the accountability, security ‌and⁣ credibility of AI, leading to more trust ‍among ​users.

There are still some misconceptions about⁢ how ‌the two technologies can work together. Until these are ⁢clarified, the⁤ growth of the AI ecosystem ‌will ‍not reach its full potential.

Realizing the full potential of⁢ AI requires a truly decentralized blockchain network. It must be able to ⁢store⁢ and‍ process data so ⁣that complete models can run without restrictions within smart contracts.‌ These decentralized systems‍ like ICP ‍will allow AI to operate‌ as an autonomous ⁣cloud ​and transform the ⁤AI landscape.

For ‌example, consider an AI model‍ built for medical ⁢professionals. This model is widely used but‌ gives‍ unreliable answers. This is because it ​is difficult to verify ‍what data was used and what model the model is based on.

This model is centralized and only ⁣produces outputs. It ‌offers no​ insight​ into the inputs. However, ‍in a decentralized‌ environment, the large-language AI⁣ model ⁢can be ‍built solely on the basis of reputable medical textbooks and databases of medical research articles.

The doctor can see ⁤the whole​ process ‌when interacting with the AI. ‌Cryptographic‍ evidence also confirms the content ​the AI was trained on. The generated response is verified and‍ doctors⁤ can trust‌ it.

⁢This is ⁣just one⁣ example ‍of ‌many showing why decentralization plays ⁤a crucial role in building trust in AI models. AI on the blockchain ensures transparency by​ operating in an open, public environment. Users⁤ can understand how ⁢their data was used.

Additionally, AI ⁢applications‌ on the blockchain can access and⁣ contribute to the same data, creating a collaborative‌ ecosystem within the blockchain. Blockchains are secure and tamper-proof, ⁣so this data can be used for⁣ malicious purposes.

The collaboration ​between⁤ AI and blockchain presents a unique opportunity ‍to advance these technologies and encourage more reliable and trusted information sharing.

This integration addresses trust ⁣and transparency concerns, resulting in a more transparent and reliable digital ecosystem. The promise of AI on the blockchain is​ immense, with ⁣seamless integration, tamper-proof open-source smart contracts, and ​fast content creation​ for metaverse and games, as well ‌as decentralized ‍social ⁣media.

AI and blockchain are a powerful combination that will ⁢take‍ us to a more decentralized world.

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