FBI: North Korea’s “Lazarus” Hackers Stole $41 Million from a Crypto Gambling Site, According to the FBI

FBI: North Korea’s “Lazarus” Hackers Stole $41 Million from a Crypto Gambling Site, According to the FBI

According to⁣ the ​Federal ⁣Bureau of Investigation, the Lazarus Group, a⁢ hacker ⁢collective‍ with‌ ties to North Korea, was responsible‍ for this month’s attack⁤ on crypto casino and betting​ site Stake.

In a statement on Wednesday, the FBI said ⁢that the Lazarus Group stole $41 million worth ⁢of cryptocurrencies from Stake.com.‍ The FBI warned⁣ that ‌the crypto ‌industry is still threatened by state-sponsored hackers, particularly those from ⁣the Hermit Kingdom in particular.

Lazarus Group (also known as APT38) has been implicated in hundreds of millions of stolen crypto dollars with attacks against companies, exchanges and DeFi protocols. The Lazarus Group, also known as APT38, has been linked to hundreds of millions of dollars in stolen crypto with attacks on companies and exchanges.

The sophisticated attack from Lazarus Group appeared to be a hack involving a leaked private key of a hot wallet, as opposed to a defect in a smartcontract. Hackers have money on Ethereum, BSC and Bitcoin blockchains.

Lazarus Group was already a suspect in this latest crypto loss. Github had warned earlier in the summer that North Korean hackers were conducting low-level campaigns of social engineering against employees of companies related to crypto, blockchain or gambling.

Federal authorities have already claimed that Lazarus is behind the hacking of Axie’s Infinity Ronin Bridge last year, in which over $600,000,000 worth of cryptocurrency was lost. Recently, prosecutors brought a case to prosecute a developer they say built a mixer that was used to launder the funds.

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