Hashing It Out: Diving Into Cross-Chain DeFi Lending

Hashing It Out: Diving Into Cross-Chain DeFi Lending

Aanchal Thakur, Chief Operating Officer of⁢ MultiChainZ, believes that cross-chain lending platforms will open up more liquidity to users.

Hashing It ​Out:‌ Diving⁢ into Cross-Chain DeFi Lending

Hashing It Out Podcast spoke with Aanchal Thakur, ⁣Chief Operating Officer of MultiChainZ, to‍ discuss ‌a popular use case‌ for decentralized finance (DeFi): lending. Moderators Elisha Owusu Akyaw and Thakur examined what sets a cross-chain lending platform apart from other‌ platforms ⁣and the potential risks it poses. Other highlights include conversations about institutions, DeFi lending, non-fungible token lending, and how projects incorporate decentralized autonomous governance.


Thakur began her cryptocurrency journey by falling ‍for a crypto doubling scam, which she says taught her an important lesson to ​take⁢ her research ⁣in the industry more seriously. ⁣She worked ⁤on several projects before joining MultiChainZ.

Thakur ​argued that‌ there is a good case for building ⁤a cross-chain lending platform. ‍She explained ‌that money is unavailable‌ to⁤ many people around the world ⁣and that creating a credit and lending platform that‌ spans multiple networks opens up more sources⁤ of liquidity for users.

The MultiChainZ manager‌ also argued ‌that over-reliance‌ on a‌ single ‍network could put projects at high⁣ risk. She explained that‍ one of the right ways⁣ to ensure decentralization is to use multiple networks.

“If a⁤ blockchain⁤ is down ‍for even two hours while Solana is down for a few hours, that impacts so many users.” It affected the trust of ‍those users. Therefore, we realized that there was no⁤ point in‌ building a product on a specific⁤ blockchain.”

Owusu Akyaw asked Thakur if he could onboard more institutions into Web3 through lending. According to Thakur, most institutional investors are concerned⁢ about risk and compliance. As far as risk is concerned, there ⁣is a need for ‌a higher ⁣security threshold to⁤ attract large ​companies that manage⁤ large sums of money. Regarding ‍compliance, ​she explained ⁤that while⁣ most Web3 developers like to ​think of the industry as a borderless environment, the real world has boundaries with regulations that need‌ to be respected. In their view, failure to cooperate with regulators will keep more institutions out of the ecosystem.

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