Javier Milei, A Pro-Bitcoin Candidate, Unexpectedly Leads Argentina’s Presidential Election

Javier Milei, A Pro-Bitcoin Candidate, Unexpectedly Leads Argentina’s Presidential Election

Javier​ Milei won‍ the first presidential elections in Argentina.‍ He is a libertarian who has spoken out in favor of Bitcoin (BTC) and the⁢ abolition of central banks.

Milei from La Libertad Avanza party had 30.5% of the vote, compared to the candidates from Juntos por el​ Cambio​ (Together for ​Change) and Unidos por ⁢la Patria, who got 28% and 28% ⁢respectively .27%.

According to⁣ primary polls, Milei should finish ​third in today’s election.

Milei had previously stated that “the central bank is a scam, a ‌way for politicians to ‌dupe people by levying inflationary ​taxes.” He said Bitcoin “represents money that goes to its creator, the private sector ,⁣ is returned.”

While Milei has a positive stance on cryptos, he‍ has not advocated using bitcoin⁤ as legal⁢ tender in Argentina (similar to El Salvador). Milei instead called for the “dollarization” (or dollarization) of Argentina’s ‍economy. The country is currently experiencing triple-digit inflation.

A general election will⁣ be held among the ‌winners of each party in October, as no candidate is likely ​to receive more than 45% of the vote in today’s poll. If no candidate receives more than 45% of the votes in‌ today’s poll, a runoff will be held ‍for each party in October.

UPDATE (14 Aug‌ 10:50​ UTC).Updated the headline⁣ and text to reflect⁣ Milei’s victory.


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