Mastercard Partners with Saudi Fintech Company Barq for Digital Payment Services

Mastercard Partners with Saudi Fintech Company Barq for Digital Payment Services


⁢ ​
‍ ‍Ready‌ to scale?⁣ Regtech in ​Australia, a global⁤ view | FMPS:24
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⁣ ⁣ Ready to scale? Regtech⁣ in Australia, a global view | ⁤FMPS:24 ‍
⁤ ‌ ⁣

⁤ ‍ ​ ‍ ‌ ⁣ ​ ​
⁤ ⁤ ‍ ⁢ ⁢ Ready to scale? Regtech ⁤in Australia, a global ​view | FMPS:24‌
‌ ‌ ‍ ‍

⁣ ‍ ⁤ ‌ ​
‍ In the effort ⁣to bring ⁤Australian fintech to the world stage, RegTech presents a unique and compelling argument. Despite increasing demand for robust compliance solutions, Australia’s RegTech sector – the world’s third largest – remains underfunded. Join this insightful fireside⁣ chat​ to explore the future of Australia’s ‍RegTech hub and its global potential. Key discussion points⁢ include discovering hidden opportunities in RegTech that VCs ⁤are overlooking, steps needed for increased⁣ government support, local ecosystem’s readiness to ​collaborate across global⁣ regulatory ⁢regimes, ⁤and experiences from ⁤other leading ‌fintech hubs around the world. Speakers: Dickie Currer, National Lead,⁣ Tech​ Australia Advocates Deborah Young, CEO of The RegTech Association #fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #RegTech #Fintech #AustralianFintech #GlobalCompliance #TechInnovation Stay up-to-date with the latest ‌developments in finance and trading! Follow FMevents on our social media platforms for news insights⁢ and event updates.‍ Connect with us today:
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‌ ⁢ ​ ⁤ ​ ⁢ ⁣ ⁤
‍ ‌ ​ In⁤ an effort to elevate Australian ⁢Fintech on a global platform,
⁣ ⁢ RegTech⁤ offers⁤ compelling arguments essential ⁢for discussion.
⁢ ⁣ ⁣ Join us as we explore how investments can ⁣be ‍strategically aligned with compliance needs,
⁢ ⁢ ⁣ ⁢ ‌ pushing ⁣boundaries within government⁢ frameworks,
‌ ⁤‌ collaborating across international regulations while borrowing lessons ⁤from thriving fintech‌ regions globally.
‍ ‌ Speakers inviting participation include Dickie Currer ‍ National Lead at Tech Australia Advocates & Deborah Young​ CEO of The​ ⁣ Association ⁣
⁤ Stay plugged into finance trends by following FMevent ‌social​ circles.
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    outlets like⁢ CNBC and Bloomberg. #fmps #fmps24 ‍#fmevents #trading #onlinetrading #tradingexpert #tradingjourney Keep informed about the​ latest trends in finance and trading! Follow FMevents on ⁤our social media platforms for updates, insights, and event​ news. Connect ​with us ​today: LinkedIn: Facebook:⁣ Instagram:⁤ Twitter: ‌ TikTok: YouTube: Don’t miss out on​ our most recent videos, interviews, ‍and coverage ⁣from events. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

    ⁢ ⁣ ​ Watch Mario Singh, Founder and Chairman of‍ Fullerton Markets, share his journey and underscore the traits essential to transition from having​ no financial knowledge to becoming an esteemed finance and trading expert acknowledged by leading‍ media outlets ‌like CNBC and Bloomberg. #fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #trading #onlinetrading⁢ #tradingexpert #tradingjourney Stay current with trending ‍news​ in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our ​social ‍media channels for news, insights, as well as event updates. Connect with us today: LinkedIn: ​Facebook: Instagram: ⁣ Twitter: TikTok: ​ ⁤YouTube: Don’t overlook our ⁣latest videos, interviews, or event coverage. Make sure‌ to subscribe to our YouTube channel!

    ‌ ​ ⁢​ ⁤ ⁤ Watch Mario Singh, Founder and Chairman of Fullerton Markets,‌ share his journey while‍ emphasizing key attributes that facilitated his rise from a beginner in finance to a​ global expert recognized by prestigious media ‌such​ as ‌CNBC or⁢ Bloomberg. ⁢As we navigate through ⁤essential information presented ⁤at ‍FMPS 24—#fmps24—stay ahead of ​significant developments within both finance realms as ⁣well online trading systems!

  • allowfullscreen=””0″ “⁤ frameborder=””autoplay; encrypted-media” ​” id=””allowfullscreen”​ ” sandbox=””allow-forms allow-modals allow-orientation-lock allow-pointer-lock ‌allow-presentation allow-scripts allow-same-origin ‍allow-popups ‍allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox” ” scrolling=””yes” ⁢”⁢ src=””733ab4aa-cbd7-49aa-9128-4e8307a385f8″ ​”>””IBs & Brokers ⁣Reckoning ‌| FMPS⁣ 24″”IBs​ & Brokers Reckoning‍ | FMPS ‍24

    ⁢ ​IBs & ⁤Brokers Reckoning | FM…

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    Stay current‍ regarding crucial innovations surrounding⁤ trade partnerships! Follow linked channels in order remain⁤ step wise towards relevant updates pertaining improvements regarding investment ​disciplines everywhere!
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    ‍ For most brokers, IBs and trading educators are invaluable partners ⁤who generate highly targeted traffic from ⁤key regions. However, without ​proper management, these relationships can quickly fizzle out.‌ In this session, you will get an insider’s look​ at the types ⁣of licenses ⁢IBs require in Asia Pacific,‍ the crucial details in IB agreements that both parties need to closely examine, common ⁤disputes between⁢ IBs and brokers and effective resolutions, ​and the pros‌ and cons⁣ of ​transitioning from ‌IB to broker. Speakers: Melody Gao, ⁤Senior Counsel, Sophie Grace James Perry-Keene, ‍Head‍ of Strategic Partnerships at Pepperstone ​Christopher Balanzategui, CEO of ‌N3tworx⁤ #fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #IBAgreements #BrokerPartnerships #TradingIndustry ‌#APACFinance #FinancialRegulation Stay up ​to ⁢date with the latest developments in finance and trading! Follow ‍FMevents on our​ social media platforms⁤ for news, ​insights and ‌event updates. Connect‍ with us today: LinkedIn: Facebook:⁤ Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: YouTube: Don’t miss ‌our latest videos, interviews and event coverage. Subscribe ⁢to our ⁤YouTube ⁣channel for more!

    Reinventing a new⁢ era of ⁤corporate banking ​| FMPS:24

    ⁢ ⁢ ‍
    Reinventing a new​ era of corporate​ banking | FMPS:24

    ‌ ⁣ ‌ ⁤ ⁣
    Faced with an⁣ economic downturn and a rapidly changing banking landscape; modern businesses need a fresh approach to banking. Join Shannon Scott , SVP & Global Head of‍ Product at Airwallex as she discusses limitations posed by legacy ​financial systems while offering real ‌insights into how banking can ⁢evolve better meet modern business ⁢needs . This session provides valuable perspectives​ on how we might shape future trends⁣ in commercial⁣ banks so they may cope successfully over challenging economic times !
    #fmps ⁣ ̵ ;#fmps24 ⁣̵ ;#fe vents ̵ ;#BusinessBanking ̵ ;#EconomicDownturn ⁣ प्रक्रिया

    With an economic downturn coupled alongside rapid​ shifts occurring throughout today’s bankin g landscape;⁤ modern enterprises​ require [new approaches] t hat rethink existing protocols s o they align correctly pre sent developments enabled technologically driven environments . Join Shannon Scott once again ⁣let’s see what cutting edge adjustments have‍ been made​ recently allowing for smoother transitions even under stress!
    Stay updated across all channels regarding finance events happening right now! Follow FMevents​ professional accounts [LinkedIn]( ​m/showcase /AskFX-events/) |⁢ [Facebook](https :⁤ // www.face book.c om/F inanceMagn ate s Events ) …


    ‌ ⁢ ‍ ​⁤ ⁣ ⁢ ‍ ⁤⁤ ⁤
    In light of an economic downturn and the dynamic banking environment, modern businesses require a fresh ⁣approach to banking. Join Shannon Scott, SVP ​and Global Head of Product⁢ at Airwallex, as she explores the constraints of traditional financial systems ‍and shares⁢ insights on how banking is evolving‌ to better serve contemporary ⁣businesses. This session ‍will⁤ provide crucial perspectives on shaping the future of commercial banking to adapt ​and⁤ flourish in challenging economic circumstances. #fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #BusinessBanking #EconomicDownturn #FinancialInnovation #ModernBanking #Airwallex ⁤Stay informed with ‍the latest updates in⁣ finance and commerce! Follow FMevents on our social⁢ media platforms ​for news, insights, and event information. Connect with⁣ us today: LinkedIn:‍ Facebook:⁣ Instagram:‌ Twitter: TikTok: ​YouTube: Don’t miss our recent videos, interviews, and event⁢ coverage—subscribe to our YouTube channel for more! ⁢

    ⁣ ​ ⁤ ‌
    To achieve success in ⁤financial services worldwide, a profound understanding of⁣ local markets is essential.⁢ In this ⁣practical session tailored to ‌specific‍ countries, ⁤leading experts ⁣from the Asia Pacific region will examine what influences⁤ traders within this diverse market. The discussion will encompass strategies for ​effectively partnering ⁤with local ⁢entities, identifying high-performing assets across various regions—as well as factors contributing to their ⁢success—and delving into⁣ insights about industry evolution alongside opportunities anticipated ​in 2025. Speakers include Fraser Nelson from Scope Markets; Firdaus Ali‍ from TradingPRO; Joy Li⁤ from Gold-i; Sam Grecner From TradingView; Mario Singh ⁤from Fullerton Markets; Stephen Williams⁤ from Capital.Com.
    #fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #APACFinance ⁢#GlobalTrading #MarketInsights‍ Stay updated with ‌the latest ⁢developments in finance and trading!⁤ Follow FMevents on our social media channels for current news & valuable ⁣insights connecting you with today’s finance community.


    In financial services, achieving global success requires a deep understanding of local markets. ⁣In this hands-on, country-specific session,⁣ top experts from the Asia Pacific region will explore the ​factors motivating ⁤traders ‍within this ⁣diverse market. ⁤The session will delve into methods for⁤ engaging local partners to ‍foster effective collaboration, analyze ​high-performing assets across various regions and explore their success drivers, while also offering ⁤insights⁣ into the evolution of the industry and the ⁢opportunities anticipated in 2025.

    ⁣ **Speakers:**
    ⁤ ‍ ​-‍ Fraser Nelson, ​Global Head ‌of Business ‍Development, Scope Markets
    ‌- ‍Firdaus Ali, Business ⁤Analyst &‍ Partnership Manager, ‌TradingPRO
    – ‌Joy Li, Head of APAC,⁣ Gold-i
    ‍ – Sam Grecner, Director of Growth ⁢(Australia), TradingView
    – Mario Singh, Founder and Chairman, Fullerton ​Markets
    ​ – Stephen Williams,‌ Premium Client Manager, Capital.Com

    #fmps ⁣#fmps24 #fmevents #APACFinance​ #GlobalTrading​ #MarketInsights #LocalMarkets #financialservices
    ‌ ⁤
    ‍ Stay updated on everything happening in finance ‍and trading! Follow‌ FMevents across our social media channels for news updates and event⁣ insights. Reach out to us‍ today: ⁣

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    ⁢ Don’t miss our latest videos and interviews—subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!


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