NFC Forum Vision 2028: Contactless Technology Will Shape Our Future

NFC Forum Vision 2028: Contactless Technology Will Shape Our Future

You can also learn more about NFC TechnologyThe future of payment systemsYou can also learn more about Multi-Purpose Tap and sustainability efforts By: Pedro Ferreira

  • The NFC Forum 2028 Technology Roadmap is the next step in digital payments.
  • The future of payment systems.


In a world increasingly characterized by contactless interaction, the NFC Forum recently released its 2028 Technology Roadmap, which represents a crucial step towards revolutionizing digital payments and beyond. This roadmap is a major step towards revolutionising digital payments and beyond. Apple, Google and Sony have collaborated to develop this product. Five key initiatives to not only change the payment system The landscape is not the only application as there are many others, from device connectivity to sustainability efforts

NFC technology: expanding its horizons

The NFC Forum has ambitious plans, including increasing the power of the NFC Forum. The current NFC wireless charger can charge at up to 3 watts. The new technology is expected to create more opportunities for smaller, more diverse devices that could disrupt traditional industrial designs and create new market opportunities. In addition, extending the range is important. NFC connections four to six times larger than the current 5 mm limit can significantly increase their effectiveness. Contactless interactions can be made faster to improve the user experience. It is reliable and enables smoother, more efficient payments. transactions.

Multi-Purpose Tap: A big step towards consumer convenience

The roadmap includes a number of innovative features, including the development of Multi-Purpose Tap. This feature allows you to perform multiple actions at once with a single NFC tap, such as delivering, adding loyalty points and purchasing tickets, you can obtain receipts. By purchasing transport tickets, adding loyalty points and receipts. NFC technology consolidates these features and can improve the functionality of your device, setting a new standard in consumer interaction, convenience and efficiency. User experience in the payments industry

NFC at the service of sustainability

The roadmap puts a focus on sustainability. By enabling NFC data exchange on product composition, the technology can help build a circular economy by supporting recycling methods. This is in line with the regulatory requirements of the European Union, where the Digital Product Passport requires detailed information on the sustainability of products. These features are not just a way to meet consumer needs. Greener options that also contribute to global sustainability efforts

Transforming payments through device-to-device communication

The focus of the roadmap is on modernizing device-to-device communication. This initiative aims to enable SoftPOS terminals that can be created using NFC-enabled smartphones. By using them, businesses and individuals can receive payments directly into their accounts. NFC technology on mobile devices can help democratize digital payments. Especially in areas where there is no traditional banking infrastructure. This innovation can expand financial inclusion and spur economic growth. Growth in underserved regions.

A joint effort for a connected future

The NFC Forum Roadmap is more than a vision. Technological advancement is a joint effort involving over 400 member organizations. The Roadmap will be a success with this broad participation. It is comprehensive and reflects the needs of the global market. By: NFC is a tool to foster industry-wide partnerships and harmonize standards across industries. The Forum aims to create a unified and interoperable ecosystem that benefits everyone. Both consumers and business owners can benefit.

The NFC Forum’s technology roadmap to 2028 is bold Statement on the future of contactless technology

Expanding the roadmap promises to not only improve NFC’s capabilities and applications. The payment experience, but also broader societal needs such as sustainability and financial inclusion. These innovations will continue to evolve. The future of digital interaction will be shaped by the use of artificial intelligence, making it more engaging. It is efficient, secure and easy to use. NFC technology is a great example of a forward-thinking solution. Technology as the cornerstone of the digital economy is driving significant changes. Advances in various sectors

Pedro Ferreira

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