PayPal’s Stablecoin Is a Game Changer in Finance

PayPal’s Stablecoin Is a Game Changer in Finance

PayPal announced ⁤the⁤ launch of PYUSD on August 7, 2023. Five years from now‍ we will be able to look back on that⁤ moment and see that‍ it was the turning point of⁢ history.​ Why am I saying this?

So far, most ⁤crypto developers have only created crypto. Exchanges and stablecoin ‍issuers have been ⁢the biggest players in this⁣ space. The blockchains had the largest market capitalizations. Most of the activity in this area has been​ self-referential. The ICO boom, the DeFi summer, and the rise of NFTs all⁢ catered to users and⁢ developers already in the ⁣space,⁤ allowing them to better leverage ‍the technology ​with one ⁤another.

That changed⁢ last week. PayPal has over 430 million customers worldwide ‌and points​ out⁣ that blockchain technology is so important that the company will spend years developing a product to further⁢ develop its business. PayPal features Venmo and the PayPal app. PayPal now also offers PYUSD.

Blockchains‌ are fundamentally​ different ⁢from other‍ forms of economic organization. ‌A public blockchain is‍ a multi-party interface that allows⁣ the exchange of value without the ⁤need⁤ for a central intermediary.

PYUSD takes us back to the original promise of the blockchain: that a ⁤two-legged person anywhere in‍ the world could send value to a second⁤ two-legged person ⁤without depending on or⁢ paying for ⁤a financial institution (or ‍worse, a financial ⁣institution). endless series of correspondent banks) to facilitate‌ the transaction. Over time, this type of⁤ platform will ⁢erode monopolies‍ and allow ‌people to build⁤ their own financial connections. This‌ platform gives people the power to control their own money.

The ‍value of a blockchain cannot​ be unlocked unless‍ it is​ real life uses​ . PYUSD is changing reality in different places around the world as ​soon as⁣ it becomes available. By ‌connecting a blockchain to ⁤the PayPal platform, anyone ⁤can send⁣ PYUSD to ⁤a relative ⁢or supplier⁢ anywhere in the world. At least that’s the​ idea: PYUSD will be available ‌in⁣ the US‍ for now.

It was the same with previous stablecoins. But there’s an important difference here:⁤ a stablecoin ‍can now be⁢ converted into a PayPal account. The disbursement takes place‌ quite simply over conventional rails. You can keep it as a stablecoin and let others use the off-ramps. Options and liquidity add value.⁤ PayPal has evolved blockchains⁣ with PYUSD (it’s built on Ethereum) from a pure many-to-many blockchain for transactions to a many-to-many blockchain for ⁣options for what to ​do after ⁤the transaction.

This sea-change⁣ will lead to a​ gradual increase in ⁣blockchain‍ adoption and cheaper, faster transactions.‌ Many ⁤companies⁤ and individuals are waiting, unsure if they can trust crypto-native stablecoins or if crypto-native platforms are stable. They⁣ also wonder if⁣ other people ⁤would use the technology to⁣ justify ​their‍ time and ‌investment.

PYUSD is the answer to ‌these questions. PayPal, which has operated as ‍a global payments network for⁢ decades, has built on the NYDFS ‌stablecoin standard through ⁣a partnership with Paxos. PayPal has also securely processed large amounts⁤ of money without losing user funds. Other developers ⁣and companies can now safely integrate the PYUSD stablecoin into their‌ apps, protocols, wallets or internal systems.

PayPal ⁤can now‍ abstract from the fact that ⁣cryptos are used. This allows them to update the backend ⁤and still provide the customer with a similar product experience. It​ will take years ‍or decades to complete this.‌ This​ week the snowball‍ was⁣ pushed‌ down‌ the hill.

The geopolitical and‍ regulatory implications of PYUSD should not ​be understated. Stablecoins will be around⁣ for a long time. These efforts will increase as technologists and financial professionals understand the implications of blockchains. PYUSD is one of two stablecoins using what is probably the best regulatory framework in the world. It‌ is proof​ that stablecoins are possible and can be implemented on the ‌same principles of fairness, consumer protection and stability that we value in our ‌traditional⁤ financial system.

PYUSD is a call to action to promote ⁣positive ​technological advances and a ⁢warning to anyone who believed this⁢ issue would ⁣just go‍ away. The people who thought that run-down, entrenched monopolies would simply linger ‌are now proving​ they’ve been taught wrong. PayPal is the ‍first ⁤traditional company to scale ⁤and become the first Web 2.5 company to combine⁤ blockchain and ‌finance at a level previously unattainable.

I have never been ⁣more optimistic⁤ about the ‍future of ⁤finance.

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