Techysquad Works with Centroid Solutions

Techysquad Works with Centroid Solutions

From: Below are the latest Forex CRM Solutions

Techysquad⁣ is a leading provider of Forex ⁢CRM solutions‍ and proudly announces its partnership with Centroid Solutions. Centroid Solutions is a leading provider of connectivity ⁤to multi-asset brokers.

This collaboration combines the resources and expertise of ​two fintech companies‌ to provide improved technology‌ to multi-asset ⁣brokers.

Techysquad’s partnership with Techysquad aims to provide brokers with ⁢a comprehensive solution that allows⁤ them to manage all their‍ operations through⁢ a central Forex CRM and leverage liquidity across multiple assets.

Techysquad, a global‌ leader in Fintech, is known for its innovative Forex CRM solution. With a fusion of ⁣risk ⁢management, ‍IB ‍management and back office functions,⁢ Techysquad‌ combines its powerful infrastructure with Centroid’s bridge technology.

A powerful partnership is crucial for‌ brokers.

Brokers can use Techysquad’s Forex​ CRM, which provides seamless access to ⁣over 200 liquidity venues and a suite of FIX APIs⁤ that allows ⁣easy connection to ‍a ⁤variety ⁣of trading platforms⁢ including MT4, MT5, cTrader VertexFX‌ and ⁢many others.

Forex CRM’s Multilevel IB module allows brokers to add​ an unlimited number⁢ of IBs to their platform, upgrade them to Master IB status ⁢and​ get a real-time overview of‍ IB earnings and payouts.

The rewards module⁢ also⁤ allows brokers to easily⁤ engage and reward⁣ their IBs, motivating⁢ them to grow their business ⁤through active​ referrals.

The “Sales ⁤& Marketing”​ and “Regulation” ⁣modules⁢ further improve ‍the functions and make the Forex ⁣CRM a one-stop shop for brokers. This technology powerhouse is⁤ easily customizable, scalable⁣ and frees brokers from the‍ burden‍ of processing large amounts of data.‍ It translates them into useful ⁢insights that ‌improve⁤ knowledge across brokerage departments.

Techysquad founder Mehnaz Munshi said the following:

We ⁢are pleased to⁢ announce Centroid Solutions as our new partner. Our customizable back office capabilities and excellent connectivity with multi-asset liquidity providers provide our clients with an ⁣integrated trading environment, including our powerful ​CRM platform.

“Through collaboration and collaboration, our team is able to provide our customers with‍ unmatched solutions and accelerate their growth and success.”

Centroid ​Solutions CEO Cristian Vlasceanu responded to Techysquad’s ​statement: (* ) ⁢We⁢ are ⁢very pleased about our partnership with⁣ Techysquad. We are⁣ able to offer our customers solutions that are second to none.

I ⁢am impressed with the way Techysquad ⁣handles customer service and ⁢customizations. ​It is similar to the way we serve our customers.⁢ We look forward to working together and bringing even more value and innovation to our customers.

The‌ Forex CRM is a⁢ unique product. With its record-breaking setup time ‌of just ⁤30‌ minutes and mobile apps,⁣ it stands out from the crowd. Techysquad’s ⁤Forex⁣ CRM provides brokers with⁣ a complete overview of their entire business ​cycle. From customer onboarding to ⁤KYC⁣ procedures, ​sales, ⁣marketing⁣ and compliance, Forex CRM enables brokers to streamline operations and ‌scale faster.

The ‌Forex CRM platform transforms from a static technology package into a dynamic one when combining its features with Centroid Bridge.

About Techysquad

Techysquad is a fintech company with ⁢over ten ‍years‌ of experience. Techysquad’s​ Forex CRM solution​ allows brokers to easily‍ customize their CRM⁢ system ‌to​ suit their‍ needs and preferences across multiple⁣ trading platforms.

Techysquad’s Forex CRM is​ easy to ‍set up and supports ‍an unlimited number⁢ of users. Brokers can now ‍monitor all trading activity from⁢ one⁤ dashboard.

For⁢ more information, please contact [email protected] or visit

Centroid ‍Solutions

Centroid Solutions, a fintech ⁤innovator,⁢ is focused on connecting trading platforms with ⁢Specialized⁢ in liquidity providers. ‍It⁣ also offers complex execution ‌strategies as well as risk management, analytics, profit and loss optimization and hosting infrastructure for multi-asset brokers.

Centroid offers​ a comprehensive suite of technology and infrastructure solutions specifically ‌designed to ‌help ⁢brokers optimize their ​business performance, expand their product offerings and ‌drive business growth.

For‍ more⁤ information, please contact [email protected] or visit

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